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    South China Sea 結果共30筆

  • Taiwan braces for 35°C heat, afternoon thunderstorms

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including a heatwave with temperatures reaching 35 degrees Celsius and potential thunderstorms. Stay informed on travel advisories for Matsu and Kinmen due to low visibility and the European model’s prediction of a tropical disturbance in the South China Sea.
    2024/06/19 09:01
  • Asian leaders agree to resume FTA talks at trilateral summit

    Discover the latest developments from the China-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Summit, where leaders agreed to resume FTA negotiations and enhance the investment environment, marking a pivotal moment for regional economic ties and stability.
    2024/05/27 17:51
  • Taiwan’s opposition to reaffirm sovereignty on Taiping

    Taiwanese opposition legislators are set to visit Taiping Island to observe military activities and assert sovereignty, potentially stirring tensions in the contested South China Sea.
    2024/05/16 18:26
  • Ma backs legislators’ visit to Taiping Island

    Former President Ma Ying-chou supports KMT and TPP legislators’ visit to Taiping Island to assert national sovereignty, highlighting his South China Sea Peace Initiative and the historical significance of the island to the Republic of China.
    2024/05/10 18:16
  • KMT postpones Taiping trip amid rising regional tensions

    The Kuomintang (KMT) has postponed a planned Taiping Island visit intended to assert Taiwan’s sovereignty in the South China Sea. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) criticized the move, warning of escalating tensions in the region.
    2024/05/06 17:15
  • Philippines and US commit to peace in Taiwan Strait

    The 11th Philippines-United States Bilateral Strategic Dialogue concluded in Washington D.C., emphasizing peace in the Taiwan Strait and opposing force in territorial disputes. The dialogue focused on maintaining a free Indo-Pacific and expanding cooperation in digital, space, and democracy sectors, with plans to sign the GSOMIA by year’s end.
    2024/04/25 17:57
  • US urges China to engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan

    Meta description: U.S. urges China to exercise restraint and not unilaterally change Taiwan Strait status quo after Chinese drones approach Kinmen; Taiwan considers response to China’s gray zone tactics, drawing from Philippines’ experience in South China Sea confrontations.
    2024/04/09 17:25
  • Taiwan, Australia strengthen ties amid regional challenges

    President Tsai Ing-wen meets with Australian parliamentary delegation in Taipei to discuss strengthening partnerships, emphasizing security cooperation and regional stability. The talks highlight ongoing efforts to deepen economic ties and the importance of defense collaboration amid joint naval exercises in the South China Sea.
    2024/04/08 17:13
  • Tsai urged to visit Taiping Island to assert sovereignty

    Foundation Executive Director Hsiao Hsu-tsen warns that President Tsai Ing-wen’s failure to visit Taiping Island may break the tradition of asserting sovereignty in the South China Sea within two presidential terms, potentially affecting future claims and morale. The United States has historically opposed such visits, exerting pressure on former Presidents Ma Ying-jeou and Chen Shui-bian. Ma’s 2016 visit was not related to a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, as clarified by Hsiao.
    2024/03/26 17:23
  • Premier affirms Taiwan’s sovereignty over Taiping Island

    Premier Chen Chien-jen asserts Taiwan’s sovereignty over Taiping Island amidst regional tensions. President Tsai Ing-wen’s absence at the inauguration of the "Taiping Island Harbor Renovation Project" raises eyebrows. Chen highlights recent turbulent waters and unilateral actions jeopardizing regional peace. Taiwan vows to collaborate internationally for stability in the South China Sea.
    2024/03/26 13:49
  • Taiping Island Pier revamp fuels President visit speculation

    The newly renovated pier at Taiping Island sparks speculation about President Tsai Ing-wen’s potential visit, highlighting the Republic of China’s sovereignty in the South China Sea. The renovation, costing NT$1.7 billion, aims to enhance the island’s humanitarian, military, and research capabilities. Former president Ma Ying-jeou supports the visit as a symbol of national sovereignty and peace in the region.
    2024/03/18 18:43
  • Philippines-China tensions rise over sea dispute

    The Chinese Coast Guard claims regulation of Filipino vessels near the Second Thomas Shoal in the Nansha Islands. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. warns of retaliation if South China Sea sovereignty is disregarded. Tensions rise as Marcos accuses China of aggressive actions in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. China questions the Philippines’ stance on the South China Sea issue, criticizing Manila for manipulating international opinion and disrupting regional stability.
    2024/03/05 17:15
  • U.S. bolsters Western Pacific presence with carriers: report

    Nearly half of the U.S. active aircraft carriers may be deployed in the western Pacific in 2024, signaling deterrence over the increasing military activities in the region by China and North Korea. This marks the first time five U.S. carriers are concurrently in operation in the Western Pacific, according to recent reports.
    2024/02/19 13:24
  • President Tsai unlikely to visit Taiping Island: official

    Former Taiwan National Security Council secretary-general Su Chi believes there is a low likelihood of President Tsai Ing-wen visiting Taiping Island in the South China Sea. Su cites concerns over U.S. objections and the potential risk to Tsai’s safety as reasons for this prediction. He points out that the U.S. opposes Taiwan’s involvement in South China Sea issues and that Tsai would have to contend with Chinese fighter jets, aerial escorts, and security threats if she were to visit the island. Su also notes that the U.S. would not support such a trip as it could emphasize Taiwan’s political stance in the ongoing tension between the Philippines and China.
    2024/02/07 14:59
  • Taiwan braces for cloudy weather, sporadic rainfall

    WeatherRisk has reported that there will be generally cloudy weather in Taiwan due to the shift of clouds in the south. There may also be sporadic rainfall in the mountains of central and southern Taiwan. The impact of the continental cold air mass moving out to sea along the coast of China has weakened the cold air around Taiwan, causing minimal low temperatures to rise. The Liyu Lake in Hualien and Luye Township in Taitung recorded temperatures of 11 and 12.4 degrees Celsius, respectively. The continued shift of clouds in the south might slightly increase the chance of rainfall in the central and southern regions, as well as affect the eastern areas with sporadic downpours. With no significant weather systems nearby, Taiwan will experience an increase in daytime temperatures under the influence of northeast to east winds. Northern regions will see temperatures of 23-26 degrees Celsius, while the central and southern regions will hover around 24-26 degrees Celsius. On Friday, environmental moisture will gradually decrease under the influence of the northeast monsoon, resulting in mostly cloudy weather with possible sporadic rainfall across Taiwan. Saturday, the start of the New Year holiday, will see a weakening of the northeast monsoon, raising the temperature and bringing mostly cloudy weather, with sporadic rainfall possible only in the eastern parts. However, Sunday will see a stronger northeast monsoon, leading to stable but cloudy weather with sporadic showers in eastern Taiwan. On New Year’s Day next Monday, Taiwan will experience generally sunny to cloudy weather under the influence of the northeast monsoon, with no significant chance of rain. The general public is advised to consider this weather information when planning holiday activities.
    2023/12/27 10:15
  • Biden signs defense act to boost Taiwan’s self-defense

    U.S. President Joe Biden has signed the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (FY2024 NDAA), which includes a comprehensive training program for Taiwan’s military. The program aims to enhance Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities and will be overseen by the U.S. Secretary of Defense. The legislation, which has received approval from both houses of the U.S. Congress, allocates a total of US$886 billion for this purpose. The training program will focus on layered defense, asymmetric defense strategies, cross-communication between the U.S. and Taiwan’s military, information sharing, and the improvement of professional military education and civilian control over the military. Additionally, the act emphasizes collaboration between the U.S. and Taiwan on military cyber security and requires regular updates on Taiwan arm sales proceedings. It also mandates the Secretary of Defense to submit biannual reports to Congress on the military developments of the People’s Republic of China, particularly in areas such as Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and the South China Sea, covering topics such as weapon upgrades, procurement, and military operations.
    2023/12/23 12:34
  • China rebukes French media for ’misleading report’

    The Chinese Embassy in France, FMPRC, criticized a Le Figaro report for its alleged falsehoods and bias against China’s actions in the South China Sea. The report, authored by Nicolas Barotte, highlighted China’s increasing aggression in the region. The FMPRC disputed the report’s claims, particularly regarding the territorial scope of the Philippines and the status of Taiwan. The FMPRC objected to Le Figaro’s portrayal of Taiwan as a separate entity from China. The embassy emphasized that Taiwan is an integral part of China and called for the media to respect China’s sovereignty and journalistic ethics.
    2023/12/19 15:31
  • 大陸侵台軟肋曝!路透:過半石油補給經印度洋「可攔船斷供救台」

    每天有近60艘大型油輪從波斯灣(Persian Gulf)出發前往中國,約占中國石油來源的一半,油輪進入南海(South China Sea)時,將在中國大陸日益壯大的海軍護衛下航行,不過在航經美軍主宰的印度洋(Indian Ocean)時,卻缺少可仰賴的軍事基地保護。《路透社》分析,印度洋將是中國大陸發動台海戰爭的「阿基里斯腱」(Achilles’ heel ,致命要害),西方可透過攔截船隻或甚至封鎖海域,阻斷中國的補給路線,進而嚇阻中國侵台。
    2023/12/14 13:04
  • U.S. House backs Taiwan military training in defense bill

    The U.S. House Armed Services Committee has agreed to include provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24 NDAA) to assist in the training of Taiwan’s armed forces. The bill, with a budget of USUS$876.8 billion, requires the U.S. Department of Defense to develop a comprehensive training and advisory program for Taiwan’s military. The program will only proceed with the consent of the Secretary of State and after consultations with Taiwanese officials. The legislation aims to enhance Taiwan’s multilayered defense capabilities, including asymmetric defense strategies and interoperability with U.S. forces. It also promotes cybersecurity cooperation and the protection of military networks. The NDAA mandates biannual reporting on China’s military developments in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and the South China Sea. Additionally, a classified report will evaluate the absorption of U.S.-provided military capabilities by Taiwan’s armed forces. After approval by Congress, President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill into law, strengthening U.S.-Taiwan defense relations.
    2023/12/08 17:19
  • MOFA thanks G7 for backing peace across Taiwan Strait

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Taiwan welcomes and expresses gratitude for the joint statement made by G7 member countries, emphasizing the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. The G7 urged the peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues and opposed any attempts to change the status quo through force or coercion. MOFA highlighted China’s military expansion in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, which poses a significant threat to security in the Indo-Pacific region. Throughout the year, various international statements have reiterated the centrality of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. MOFA emphasizes Taiwan’s key role in the Indo-Pacific and commits to continuing cooperation with the G7 to strengthen global democratic alliances against authoritarianism.
    2023/12/07 20:59
  • G7 leaders emphasize Taiwan Strait’s role in global security

    The Group of Seven (G7) leaders convened via video conference to discuss the Taiwan Strait, affirming its importance for international security and prosperity. They reiterated their commitment to the One China policy and called for a peaceful resolution to cross-strait issues. The G7 also expressed readiness to establish a stable relationship with China and voiced opposition to China’s militarization activities in the South China Sea. Human rights concerns in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong were also discussed. The G7 condemned North Korea’s missile testing activities and addressed various other topics such as nuclear safety in Japan, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, and climate change. The discussions highlighted the G7’s attention to urgent global crises, including the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the Gaza crisis.
    2023/12/07 09:10
  • China’s maritime assertiveness challenges regional stability

    Recent events in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait have heightened regional tensions, with a clash between Chinese and Philippine vessels and China’s aggressive posturing towards Taiwan’s sovereignty, raising concerns ahead of the Biden-Xi meeting.
    2023/11/13 20:17
  • U.K., Japan urge peaceful solutions in Taiwan Strait

    The "2+2" meeting in Tokyo between the U.K. and Japan focused on maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. Both parties expressed opposition to any attempt to alter the status quo by force or coercion and called for peaceful solutions to the long-running dispute between Taiwan and China. They also expressed concerns over tensions in the South China Sea and East China Sea. The ministers urged China to act responsibly and cease aiding Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. The political situations in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong were also discussed, with a commitment to establishing stable and constructive relations through dialogue. The joint statement supported Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations, advocating for official membership where statehood is not required and observer status where it is. The U.K. and Japan reaffirmed their strong position and called for international support as the situation with Taiwan and China appears to worsen.
    2023/11/10 21:48
  • Taiwan urges Australian PM to oppose changes in Strait

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) spokesperson, Jeff Liu, urged Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to oppose any changes to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait to China. Taiwan hopes that Australia will defend its shared interests and values with Taiwan while maintaining stable relations with China. This comes after Albanese’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who claimed that China does not engage in exclusivist blocs or confrontational politics. MOFA disagreed with this statement, citing China’s behavior in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. Liu emphasized the shared interests of Taiwan and Australia in upholding freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and ensuring peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. He also highlighted the common Trans-Pacific Partnership interests between the two nations. Liu further noted the steady development of relations between Taiwan and Australia, with Taiwan becoming Australia’s fifth-largest trading partner and fourth-largest export market, while Australia is Taiwan’s leading supplier of energy and mineral resources.
    2023/11/07 17:32
  • Chinese embassy urges U.S. to stop misinformation

    The Chinese Embassy in the U.S. has called on the United States to stop spreading misinformation and stated that China’s actions are necessary measures. This comes after the United States Department of Defense released videos and photographs showing People’s Liberation Army aircraft approaching and releasing jamming projectiles near U.S. military aircraft. The spokesperson emphasized that U.S. military aircraft conducted 657 close-reconnaissance missions in the South China Sea in 2022.
    2023/10/21 17:50
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